Monday, 16 December 2013

On Clomid 100mg Cycle #2

Seperti yang dijangka, AF muncul dgn tiba2. erin ingat kan hari Sabtu, rupe2nye, hari Jumaat tu dah muncul dgn jayanya….adehhhh..sedih jugak la..huhu..yang pelik nye, erin langsung x rasa sakit period pain tau. very2 mild cramping je. erin rasa sgt best la period kali ni. cuma nya, ade kelainan drpd yang biasa. period sgt2 heavy pada hari pertama. selalunye erin cuma spotting je. x payah pakai pad lagi pon xpe. ni 1st day dah tahap waterfall hokeyy..x dpt dibendung. dah la kat opis. terpaksa pinjam kat ofismate sape yang ade spare pad. hahaha.. 

So ini menjadikan cycle erin bulan lepas CD28..i'm happy with the AF duration but not so happy since i'm yet to preggy. waaaaaa..nak nanges je rasa. darah period erin yang keluar kan, macam berketul pon ade. second day pon mash ade darah yg ketul2 tu. maybe ni ovum yg x jd kot. ade 2.tapi siyes tak sakit pon. on the 3rd day, xde lagi ketulan tu dah. Alhamdulillah. Hari ni pula, CD4 dah spotting. huhhhh..singkatkan period erin. erin rasa dlm 5 hari je kot. sama jugak ngan bulan lepas. Doc kate normal la tu. ye la doc.. erin ikut ckp dokter.

Since today is CD4, erin dah 3 hari makan Clomid 100mg bermula CD2. sebiji makan tgh hari, sebiji lagi makan malam. harap2, telur membesar dgn baik la mcm last cycle. Erin dah pon buat Doc appointment on CD11. ingat nak buat CD12 tapi kitorg travel plak time tu. so, ni je la masa yg ade. nak buat CD12 sbb nak bg consistant. maybe telur besar sikit kan. nasib baik dokter ade. erin risau jugak kan if doc cuti panjang nak hari krismas and new year ni. 

Hari yang sama pon kitorg gi beli Proxceed Plus. ni utk sperm hubby la. lama juga dia dah consume proxeed plus ni. sejak 2nd semen analysis result okay, erin nak hubby terus kan consume Proxeed Plus ni. semoga sperm dia sentiasa sihat dan cerdas.yeahhhh..hahaha.

Satu lagi Erin nak update pasal BBBT erin. sejak makan Clomid ni kan, suhu badan selalu je naik. even skrg ni pon..masa tgh period ni, suhu badan naik macam after ovulation. x pernah mcm ni tau. rupa2nye Clomid mmg ade effect…selepas usaha meng'gugel' , inilah hasilnya...

How does clomid affect basal body temperature?
According to some users of Clomid, this medication causes their basal body temperature to be quite high while taking it, then drop after, finally rising again with ovulation. Clomid has also been reported to have an effect on fertile cervical mucus. Clomid causes a decrease in the volume of cervical mucus or produce hostile cervical mucus, according to scientific studies.
Some women report that when charting your BBT and taking clomid at the same time, your temperatures will rise usually on the third day of Clomid use up to a few days after you stop using the medication. Ovulation usually happens 5-14 days after your last day of taking Clomid. Thus you can identify if the increase in your temperatures is due to Clomid or ovulation.
 If you start using your ovulation prediction kits while taking Clomid or even up to 2 days after the last pill, you will reportedly see a false positive test, which is quite normal. But for more accurate results, use your ovulation prediction kits 3-4 days after your last Clomid pill.

oooo,,patutla BBT graph macam giler je.  tapi still la nampak bile Erin ovulate tu. 

Okayla, sampai di sini aje…sambung lagi okay. :)


  1. Assalamulaikum
    sy pon mkn clomid cycle ke 2 mgu ni 100mg
    mmg kena makn sebijik tengahari dan sebijik mlm yea?

  2. w'salam…
    hihi..sama la kite..cycle pertama x berjaya. haah..erin makan tgh hari & malam. dokter suruh makan macam tu. tapi selepas makan la. setengah org x boleh amik siang. takut ade side effect. erin okay je so far.

  3. Assalam nak tanye...sebelum hubby erin consume Proxeed memang ada prob dgn sperm quality ke? My DH ada masalah dgn sperm quality. Selepas1st analysis makan speman & kapikacu. Ada improve sket masa 2nd analysis tp masih x byk. Teringin juga nak try proxeed ni tapi betul2 bagus ke? Banyak tak perubahan selepas ambil proxeed?hopefully dapat share info

  4. w'salam Atie…a'ah…sebelum nie mmg hubby erin ade masalah dgn sperm dia. masa 1st sperm test tu count okay, tapi motility & morphology x okay. 2nd sperm test. result dah okay walaupon consume Proxeed Plus x konsisten selamama 3 months. boleh refer dekat post erin yg sebelum ni on semen analysis. Alhamdulillah..dah okay. sebelum ni hubby erin consume Shaklee..tapi langsung x berkesan.
