Friday, 21 March 2014

Ovulation spotting?

Hari tu, on CD13, kat ofis...erin pergi la toilet nak pee pee. tgk kat pantyliner ade mucus kaler coklat. dlm hati dah berdebar2 ni...betul ke darah ni? ehhh..erin x pernah la darah during mid cycle ni. 1-2 hari sebelum kejadian mmg erin ade rasa sakit belah kanan ari2. erin dah dpt agak la waktu ovulation dah makin hampir. tapi bile keluar brownish discharge ni rasa takut plak. tapi amount dia sgt2 la sikit. setitik je. erin takut ade penyakit lain je.. pastu erin cuba wipe dgn tissue. erin nampak ECWM tapi bercampur dgn sedikit darah. sedikit je tau. 

erin mmg pernah dengar pasal ovulation spotting ni but it's never happens to me before. so, erin x pernah terfikir pon akan ade spotting ni. very interesting to hear that every women are different. yang lebih menyakinkan erin itu adela ovulation spotting sebabnye, OPK CD11 (malam) dah +ve. BBT pada CD13 (semasa spotting) pon tinggi. cycle kali ini erin xde buat TVS appointment. syukur Allahdulillah, Allah beri petunjuk dgn ovulation spotting ni..hmmm...kalau la every month keluar ovulation spotting mcm ni kan senang. suatu petanda yg jelas kita ovulate. tapi kalau ovulation spotting bertukar jadi implantation bleeding lagi la best kan? hahahaha... berangan jap.. ;p

Ini ade la BBT chart terkini. CD13 ovulation sedang berlaku.

OPK @ CD11. ni test malam. result dah hampir positive tu. makin terang.

 OPK @ CD12. erin test dlm kul 2.30ptg. dah -ve. so, confirmla erin dah ovulate. maybe ovulate on CD12 pagi atau tgh malam CD11. 

Ni keseluruhan OPK. maka habisla sekotak OPK itu. hehe..

lepas keluar spotting tu, ape lagi.ber'baby dance' la kami. hihihi... perlu grab setiap peluang yang ade. yang penting berusaha. berjaya atau tidak itu urusan Allah. keesokan harinya, CD14 tu dah xde spotting lagi. sebelum ni, erin dah melalui 4 medicated cycles. this cycle unmedicated. no clomid, no puregon, no nothing...pastu sesuatu yang luar kebiasaan pulak terjadi. Harapnya ini suatu petanda yg baik. ;)

sedikit info tentang ovulation spotting. erin ambil dari internet.

Signs & Symptoms of Ovulation
Some women experience something called mittelschmerz, which is German for middle pain. This pain or ache is located near the ovaries and will occur mid-cycle around the time of ovulation.
Another way to determine ovulation is charting your basal temperature, which will rise during ovulation. Also, checking your cervical mucus can also help pinpoint ovulation timing. Around ovulation, the cervical mucus will become slippery, and egg white in consistency and more wet.
Causes of Ovulation Spotting
It's believed ovulation spotting occurs due to hormones causing the ovarian follicle surface to weaken. With the weakening, a hole or stigma forms in the surface, which permits the passage of the egg. Blood may appear due to rupture of the stigma. Another cause may be the rise in estrogen accompanying ovulation.
Appearance of Ovulation Spotting
When ovulation spotting occurs, it will appear brownish or pinkish rather than red in most cases. It may be mixed with the egg-white type cervical mucus. Heavier bleeding or spotting is not likely to be associated with ovulation, however. Also, many women do not experience ovulation spotting at all even though they may have normal ovulation and cycles.
Timing Sexual Intercourse
It's a good idea to try sexual intercourse when ovulation spotting occurs and for a few days afterward for best chances of conception. Charting temperatures or using a home ovulation predictor test will help as well.

nak tau lebih detail, kena search sendiri la. hihi.. sesiapa yang pernah ade mid cycle spotting, boleh la berkongsi pengalaman. ;)


  1. erin! i got the same spotting yesterday..and yesterday was CD15. terkejut sbb xpenah ade spotting tgh2 cycle jgk.. tp semlm xsehat xsempat nk dust too you! aminn

  2. haaa..see! ade kan mid cycle spotting ni...kalau first time mesti terkejut kan..hihi... baby dust to you too! ;)
